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Claire Gulliver #06 - Carnage Goes Coastal Page 9

  Jack nodded, putting his arm around Mrs. B and giving her a hug. “You don’t mind, do you? She needs a treat occasionally. I promise to get her back before closing.”

  “Don’t you worry one bit. I’ll be happy to stay until she gets back or the store closes. You two just go and have a good time.”

  Claire fussed and fiddled with some last minute chores and finally she preceded Jack through the front door, pausing a moment to admire the old Cadillac parked in front. “So I guess it’s still running? Tony gave it a checkup a couple of weeks ago. He won’t allow me to forget and he calls if I don’t bring it in on schedule. Every once in a while I think about selling it, but then I remember how much Uncle Bernie loved this car and I feel I just have to keep it and continue to pay for its upkeep.”

  “It’s a great car, Claire. Don’t let it go. It drives like a dream and besides it’s only what, fifty-four years old? And look at it, it’s beautiful. They don’t make cars like this anymore.”

  Claire laughed, shaking her head. “No, I guess they don’t. Tony keeps telling me it’s a classic. He’s got three avid collectors who want first bids if I ever decide to sell. But so far I’ve managed to be too busy to think about selling it, and I confess I love to drive it now and then. It makes me feel special.”

  Jack had put the cream colored rag top down. The pale yellow 1949 Cadillac convertible with the red leather interior sitting at the curb in front of the store was an eye-catcher. The powerful motor purred instantly to life and the car moved smoothly down the street attracting admiring glances as it moved through the little town.

  “So I thought San Francisco. Is that okay with you? Or would you rather shop somewhere else?” Jack asked heading the car toward the freeway entrance.

  “Oh, let’s go to San Francisco. It makes it more of an adventure.”

  “Right, I think they have a Cartier there, don’t they?”

  “They do, but we don’t have to shop at the high end, you know?”

  “Yes, we do. Since I’m finally going to be able to put a ring on your finger, I want to make sure it’s the best money can buy. We’re not going to stint on this, Claire. Do you have some idea of what you’d like? Do you want an engagement ring and band, a band, lots of diamonds, a huge diamond, or what?”

  Claire sat thinking for a few minutes and then as the wind whipped around them on the freeway she said, “Well, first of all I don’t want to go to Cartier’s. I’m a San Francisco girl and I want to shop at Shreve and Company. It’s been on Post Street for about a hundred and fifty years and I’ve drooled over their window displays since I was a young girl. So that’s where I want my wedding ring to come from.

  “And secondly, I don’t want a diamond. I object to spending a lot of money for a stone that’s value has been artificially set by the diamond industry. And frankly, the stories of the cruelty and crime connected to that whole industry makes me balk at supporting it. I’d much rather have a colored stone, perhaps an aquamarine, or an amethyst or,” she smoothed her hair back out of her eyes to peer at Jack, “I think I might like an emerald if we can find one we can afford.”

  “Claire, I don’t want you to even think about price. Today, cost will not be the deciding factor. Today, we’re looking for something we both feel is the perfect symbol of our love. That way every time we see it on your finger we’ll be happy. Okay?” He waited for her nod, then said happily, “Okay, which way to this super jewelry store?”

  “More important than the store, I’ll direct you to the parking garage at Union Square. It’s only a block from the store.”

  Jack and Claire parked in the bottom level of the parking garage built under the park in a space close to the bank of elevators where Jack thought it was safe enough to leave the car. Hand in hand they strolled out to Post Street and turned right toward Grant Street.

  It was a beautiful day, which was San Francisco’s normal in the fall. This was the month when the fog disappeared and the tourists, who luckily chose this time for their visit, were wondering why they had gotten all those warnings about cold wind and fog. They moseyed down the street, glancing in the store windows, managing to avoid person to person collisions until they arrived at the ornate entrance to the impressive post earthquake building which was Shreve’s and Company.

  The uniformed doorman held the door open invitingly, inquiring, “May I direct you to a particular department?”

  “Rings. We want to look at nice rings,” Jack told him.

  The doorman nodded, and somehow signaled to another man. “This is Mr. Bernheim. He specializes in rings. I’m sure he will be able to help you.”

  Mr. Bernheim had a wide smile. “Ah, rings, and would this be for a special occasion?”

  Jack nodded. “We’re looking for a wedding ring, but we don’t want diamonds.”

  Claire added her preferences. “A colored stone, something special. I want a ring that will serve as both an engagement ring and a wedding ring. Do you have something like that?”

  “Oh my, yes. Please come this way and we can see what we have you’d like.” He moved toward the far end of the large ground floor showroom. He seated them at a small table with comfortable chairs.

  “Now, can you give me some idea of a price range and perhaps the type of ring you’re thinking about, or would you like me to pick a group of rings for you to see?”

  “Price is not a major consideration,” Jack assured him. “The important thing is to find something both Claire and I like.”

  Mr. Bernheim nodded and then excused himself to go to the back. Meanwhile, a young man approached them and offered them wine, coffee or soft drinks. Jack demurred and Claire said she would like a glass of water. The man returned with a crystal glass of iced water followed immediately by Mr. Bernheim carrying a large black velvet box.

  “Now, here are some selections for you to start with. We have many more, but I thought this would help us determine what you’d like.” He opened the box and laid an array of rings on a black velvet pad in front of them, putting a mirror in front of Claire.

  Claire and Jack carefully looked at each ring and Claire laid five of them to the side of the black pad. “None of these is the right one, but these five interest me. I would like to see more rings that are similar.”

  Mr. Bernheim nodded soberly, scooped the rings back into his box and disappeared again.

  Claire sipped her water and said to Jack, “I didn’t even ask the prices.”

  “That’s good! I told you we should choose what we liked regardless of the price.”

  Claire shook her head. “Jack, I know you want to get something I will enjoy, and I appreciate your intent, but I can assure you that walking around with a very expensive ring on my finger will only make me very uncomfortable. I’m sure I can find something I love at a reasonable price. If I feel it is too expensive I won’t enjoy wearing it.”

  Jack looked surprised and then he nodded. He understood what she was saying.

  This time when Mr. Bernheim returned Claire tried on three of the rings, one was a dark emerald cabochon oval stone set in a heavy gold ring, one was an aquamarine surrounded by small diamonds and the last one was a large sapphire, a light blue multi-facetted stone set in an unusual gold swirled style band.

  Claire asked the price of each and was relieved to find none of them cost more than five thousand dollars. She looked at the emerald on her finger. “I like this best, but somehow it looks too dark, and maybe a little too masculine. Perhaps you have something similar and lighter.”

  Mr. Bernheim, totally unruffled, scooped the rings up again and disappeared. He seemed to be gone a long time and Claire whispered to Jack, “Am I being too picky? Do you think we’ve lost him?”

  “No chance of that. Don’t worry, this big store has lots of rings. We’re just getting started.”

  And Jack was right. Mr. Bernheim had to take only three more trips to the “back” before one of the rings he put on the viewing pad was a beautiful cabochon aquamarine oval
set in a wide, domed band of yellow gold. The stone was about the size of a dime and looked perfect on Claire’s slender ring finger. Both Jack and Claire examined it closely before finally agreeing they didn’t need to look further. Mr. Bernheim was so happy to close the deal he agreed to have the ring engraved while they chose a wedding band for Jack. And an hour later they happily left the store, Claire wearing her ring engraved with “Jack loves Claire,” with an agreement to return later in the week for Jack’s ring after it had been engraved with “Claire loves Jack”.

  “Would you like to get a bite to eat, or a drink somewhere?” Jack asked, loath for their afternoon to end.

  Claire shook her head. “No, what I’d like to do is to stop by Mom’s and tell her our news and then head back to the store so Mrs. B can go home.”

  “Mrs. B told me to take our time. She said she would be happy to stay until closing if necessary.”

  But Claire shook her head again. “She is so sweet, I know she’d stay with no complaints, but I don’t like to take advantage of her. She needs her time off, and I’ve noticed she doesn’t have quite the same energy level lately. Of course I’d never mention it to her, but I try to make sure she doesn’t work such long hours as she used to.” Then she beamed at Jack. “Truthfully, I think I’m just anxious to show off my ring. Mom will be thrilled.”

  Jack nodded as he steered her towards the colorful flower stand occupying the corner across the street diagonally from Union Square. “Well, at least I’m going to buy you a big bouquet of flowers to celebrate the day. What is your pleasure?”

  They leisurely examined the selections, vacillating between two bouquets of assorted flowers until Jack said, “We’ll get both. We can give one to your mother, okay?” When he had the flower vendor’s attention he ordered three bouquets, saying somewhat sheepishly, “We’ll get one for Mrs. B too, to thank her for covering for you.”

  Once they retrieved the car and Jack had ascertained that no damage had befallen it, Jack looked to Claire for directions to Millie’s house.

  “Let’s go out Sacramento Street. It’s one of my favorite drives through the city, because you drive through a variety of neighborhoods.” Claire directed Jack down Post Street to turn left on Grant, up through Chinatown to turn left on Sacramento. The old car valiantly climbed the steep hills allowing them a lovely view of this eclectic city while the pedestrians nudged each other and pointed at the old, but pristine, classic car. Too soon, it seemed, they turned left on Thirteenth Street and pulled into the driveway at Millie’s house.

  “Will she be home?”

  Claire glanced at her watch. “Oh yes. She’ll be cooking. Tomorrow is delivery day. Come on.” She was smiling as she pushed the doorbell, waiting just a moment and then impatiently pushing it again. Briefly she saw her mother’s face through the tiny window in the door.

  The door opened. Millie with a worried frown on her face, said, “Claire, what on earth are you doing here? What’s wrong?”

  Claire laughed and moved a little to the side so Jack could be seen.

  “Jack. Jack you’re back.” Millie pulled Claire inside and then clasped her hands on each side of Jack’s face and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “How wonderful. When did you get here? How are you? Will you be here for a while?”

  “Mom, let him come in, and then we’ll answer some of your questions. As you can see, nothing is wrong. In fact things are right. Great in fact.” Claire was gesturing elaborately with her hands, but her mother still hadn’t noticed the ring.

  “Oh, this is so wonderful. What a treat to have you visit in the afternoon, like this. Come in, come in. I have to check the oven for a minute. Do you want to come in the kitchen with me and I’ll make us some tea, or maybe you’d rather have some coffee? Or some wine, I have a bottle of Chardonnay in the refrigerator.”

  Millie was beaming with pleasure as she led them to the kitchen and seated them at the table while she quickly checked the oven. “That’s doing fine. Now what can I get you?”

  “I’d like a cup of tea. What do you want, Jack?”

  “Tea is fine for me.”

  Then while Millie put the kettle on the burner and started assembling the tea things, Claire tried to answer some of her mother’s questions.

  “Jack arrived yesterday and we had some errands in the city, so we thought we’d stop by to see you for a few minutes before going home. And we have a little problem I thought you might be able to help us with.”

  Her mother looked at her expectantly.

  “Jack wants us to get married this weekend, but I’m thinking a Monday would suit us better as the shop is closed then. But I don’t think we can get a wedding together in such a short time. What do you think?” She couldn’t help the happy giggle that erupted at the look on Millie’s face.

  “Married, you’re going to get married?” Millie all but squealed as she left her preparations for tea to hurry across the kitchen to hug Claire and then turned to hug Jack as well.

  Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she looked in Claire’s face. “Darling, I’m so happy for you. When did you decide? Of course we can arrange it on a Monday. This coming Monday is a little tight, but it can be done. Tell me everything.” She pulled out another chair and prepared to sit down when the shrieking whistle of the kettle reminded her she was preparing tea. When she returned with the tea tray and set it on the table, she saw Claire’s ring as she reached for one of the cups.

  This time she did squeal. “Claire is that your engagement ring? Oh, it’s gorgeous! It’s so unique. Oh, I’m so excited. I can’t wait to tell Ruth. Of course you’ll want her to come, won’t you?”

  Millie was now beginning to hit her stride. “And Karen and the baby. And of course, Mrs. B has to be there. And Lucy, if she’s in town. Wait, let me get a piece of paper so we can make a list.”

  By the time the couple left for home Millie had talked to her pastor and arranged for them to be married in the chapel at her church the following Monday morning and promised to find a suitable restaurant for a luncheon for the attendees. Jack was happy with the arrangements, they were simple and speedy. Claire was happy because she knew her mother was going to love every minute of preparing for the wedding. And she was assured that the immediacy of the event would prevent Millie from making it too complicated. She felt she was too old for wedding favors, bridal showers, fancy invitations and such. She just wanted the important people in her life to be there to share their joy. She wanted a ceremony which marked the importance of this occasion. And now with her mother in charge, it was in progress and was going to happen. Next Monday.

  The first half of the drive back down the peninsula to Bayside they talked about taking a honeymoon. Claire suggested a couple days somewhere locally. “I’d like to take longer, but I have a business to run.” She hoped he would understand. “After all, we live right here in one of the favorite tourist destinations in the world. We could pretend we were just tourists, couldn’t we? Or there’s Lake Tahoe, or even the Ritz Carlton down in Half Moon Bay.

  “And,” she continued, “We still have the problem of those guys chasing Karen. What can you do about that? We need to make sure she and baby aren’t in danger. I feel like a big black cloud is hanging over our heads. I’m uneasy just leaving them for a couple of days. Maybe someone can come and stay at the house with her, or she and Jack can go to Mrs. B’s or Mom’s while we’re gone?”

  Jack nodded his agreement.

  “Maybe we should take them with us,” Claire broached, tentatively?

  “No, way! I love them dearly, but a honeymoon is no place for company.” Jack shook his head vehemently.

  Claire knew he wasn’t going to change his mind on that, so she decided to ask her mother to stay at the house while they were gone. It would make her feel better about leaving Karen and the baby alone.

  “Jack, I’ve been thinking we need to know who is doing this and why, if we’re going to protect Karen and baby Jack. And that means we need to identify
those men who were after her. I was remembering about how we located Rosa all those months ago by reviewing the security tapes at Heathrow Airport. And that reminded me I saw a security camera in the corridor leading to the back door of the Crown Plaza. If they have one, they probably have others in different locations. Do you suppose we could find a picture of the guy in the tan jacket and the SUV he was driving on the hotel’s security tapes? After all, we do know the date and approximate time he was there. How long do you suppose hotels keep their security tapes?”

  Jack turned and looked at Claire with approval. “That’s a very good idea, Claire. Let me check around a bit tomorrow and see what I can find out.”


  The limo is here, Claire. Are you about ready?” Millie walked into Claire’s old bedroom and then stopped abruptly. “Oh, Claire, you look beautiful.” Tears sprang to her eyes and she hurried over to kiss Claire on her cheek. “Wait a minute, I have to get a picture.” She hurried out to the front room and Claire, glancing at her watch, realized they needed to leave if they were going to be at the church on time. But she didn’t hurry her mom while she fussed around with her camera, getting what she said was the perfect picture. After all, her mother had been waiting a long time for this day.

  “Okay, are we ready? Everyone will be waiting.” Claire handed her suitcase to the chauffeur to put in the trunk, following her mother down the steps and into the stretch limousine which was boldly sitting in the middle of the street, patiently waiting for them.

  Claire had driven the Cadillac to her mother’s house last night, with instructions to park it in her mother’s garage. Jack told her a car would be there in the morning to transport them to the church. He was driving Karen, the baby and Mrs. B in with him in the old SUV. Karen would drive the SUV back to Bayside later. Claire and Jack would pick up the Cadillac after they returned from their honeymoon.