Claire Gulliver #06 - Carnage Goes Coastal Read online

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  Karen raised her glass as well, both women beaming at Jack. Jack took a sip, nodded and said, “Look, you two, I appreciate your confidence in me. But just because I’m in the CIA doesn’t mean I’m one of those super heroes from the movies. Mostly I’m just an average working Joe. I’m impressed as all get out at what you’ve done so far. And I promise to do my best to resolve this, because I’d really like to get my hands on this Scott person.

  “And besides doing my best, I’m going to get everyone I know to help us. This is a very scary situation. It almost seems impossible to be real.”

  They all fell silent as they busied themselves with the food. A few bites later Jack said enthusiastically, “Claire, this is great. What is it exactly?”

  “I don’t really know. It’s some concoction of Mom’s. I know it has chicken, mushrooms, pasta, cheese and garlic, but I’m not sure what it’s called. She brings us several dishes once a week and Karen or I pop one in the oven every night. So far we haven’t found any we didn’t like, although we each have our special favorites. We usually have enough for leftovers for lunch the next day, so we get two meals out of each dish.”

  “Does she have any other customers or is this something she only does for you?” Jack asked dryly.

  “Oh, she has quite a few. In fact, she has a waiting list of potential clients. She’s doing so well she has a couple of women come in and help her. She’s cut way back on catering in homes, because she’s so busy with this part of the business.

  “Of course, I insist on being one of her paying customers, although I know she’d do it for me for free. But Karen and I need to eat, and she makes sure we eat well instead of just grabbing takeout most of the week. I’m the only customer she has down in Bayside. She makes our delivery herself so she can spend time with baby Jack. She’s just crazy about him. She says she’s his great-grandmother and claims all the privileges of that role.”

  Karen, her mouth full, nodded vigorously.

  Jack helped himself to more casserole and salad. “Well, for sure you’re not going to have enough left for tomorrow’s lunch. This is great!

  “Do all her customers get the same meals?”

  Claire nodded. “Her ladies deliver five meals once a week. Three are frozen and two are just refrigerated. She specializes in meals like meatloaf and mashed potatoes, pork chops, casseroles, things that are different than the usual takeout. I think she said she has about forty different menus and offers two choices each day. Her clients go on her website once a week and select one choice for each day. Mom’s goal is to provide a hot nutritious meal her customer can heat and have on their table in less than thirty minutes. People love it.”

  “It sounds like she’s ready to become a conglomerate.”

  “I don’t think so. She turns people down now. She will only take on new clients if she loses one of her existing clients. She says she started this because she loves to cook, so she doesn’t want to have more clients than she can cook for. And while the women who work for her do help, they mostly do prep, clean up and packaging, while Mom still does most of the cooking.”

  Claire helped herself to more salad. “And she’s making money. I’m very proud of her. She’s doing something she loves, she’s filling a need in her community and she’s even created jobs for a couple of women.” She looked up at Jack. “And she has a waiting list for new customers.”

  Jack was impressed. “And is Ruth working for her? How is Ruth these days?”

  Ruth was Claire’s mother’s best friend. She had accompanied Millie, Claire’s mother, and Claire to Italy the year before when they had all met up with Jack for a few glorious days in Venice. “Oh, she’s doing well. She’ll be glad to see you. I guess I’d better invite her over with Mom, soon.”

  Claire smiled remembering Ruth’s complaints. “She was very upset when she got back from her trip to China and found out you had been here and gone before she saw you. And then I came back from San Miguel without you.” Claire laughed. “That really annoyed her. I promised her you’d be back eventually and we’d all get together.” She was still smiling thinking about Ruth and her mother. Ever since they met Jack in Venice both women had been exceedingly interested in where he was, when Claire had talked to him, and when would she see him next? They tried to be subtle, but Claire knew from long experience they were plotting a match between her and Jack. And that’s why she hadn’t even hinted Jack had proposed to her in Mexico, or that she fully intended to marry Jack as soon as he returned to Bayside. She felt a warm flush of pleasure realizing he was back now.


  Scott’s mind was filled with exciting possibilities as he skimmed down the Capitol steps. He was jarred back to reality when he bumped into a man coming up. Distracted, he apologized over his shoulder continuing on his way down.

  “Hey, Scott! Man, is that you?”

  Scott paused mid-stride. He turned around with a smile and then recognizing his former colleague, he exclaimed with surprise, “Hadden. Good to see you.” He thrust out his hand giving Hadden a bone crushing clasp that morphed into a series of intricate grips, hand bumps and ended with a high five.

  “Man, it’s been a long time. I didn’t even recognize you until I heard your voice. You shaved your beard off. You look like a different person.”

  Scott self-consciously ran his hand over his face. “Thought it was time for a new look. What do you think?”

  “I think it really changes your appearance.” He gave a mischievous half smile. “Well, I’m glad to see you weren’t hiding a hair lip or a weak chin under that luxurious pelt.” He looked at Scott seriously. “No, you look good, just very different. If that’s what you wanted, it works.

  “What are you up to these days? I haven’t seen you since those days at Pinchley, Black and Smothers. That’s been ages. Hey, we should have lunch.” He glanced at his watch. “Do you have time now? We could grab a sandwich and catch up.”

  Scott mentally reviewed his schedule for the afternoon and nodded. “Sure, I’ve got some time. Let’s go.” The men fell into step and headed down the long flight of stairs leading down to the street level in front of the State Capitol.

  Soon they were settled in a discrete booth in the restaurant across the street, Hadden with a whiskey and Scott sipping a diet Coke.

  “Scott, old buddy, I think you’ve met your match. I heard you had married some classy blue blood and it looks like she’s remade the man, so to speak. First she shaved your beard and now you’re not even having a drink at lunch. That doesn’t sound like the Scott I knew. She must be some woman to affect that change in you.”

  Scott only smiled in response. Hadden’s ribbing didn’t bother him. “So what are you doing these days, Hadden? And what were you doing at the Capital?”

  “I work there now.” Hadden couldn’t keep the satisfaction out of his voice. “I left Pinchley, Black and Smothers when I finally realized how long it was going to take me to make partner. You know it’s a crazy system. They expect the associates to about kill themselves during those first few years. And yes, they pay well, especially for all of us starving students just out of college. But when you consider you’re expected to work a twenty-four/seven job for years, you realize the salary isn’t all that good. I had a wife and two kids when I started. When the kids got to the point they didn’t recognize me I knew I couldn’t last.

  “I don’t know if you remember I was working in the energy division and I really liked the work. I just couldn’t take the hours any longer. When our major client offered to bring me inside, I jumped at the chance. They paid off Pinchley, Black and Smothers, so there were no hard feelings about stealing me and I’ve been with them since. It’s a different life working directly for the client. Oh, we still have crises with long hours, but those are the exception, not our normal working hours. And lately, I’ve gotten involved with some issues that are being considered in the state legislature, so I’ve been handling our lobbying here at the Capitol. I like it a lot.” H
e smiled with satisfaction, then, looking closely at Scott, he asked, “But what are you doing? It seems the last I heard you had just been made junior partner and got married. Are you still with Pinchley, Black and Smothers on track for full partner?” He smiled, then his eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Or have you already made partner?”

  The tuxedoed waiter arrived just then with their lunch orders and they spent a few minutes getting ready to eat.

  “Well, what are you doing?” Hadden wasn’t going to be deterred.

  Scott smiled. “I left the firm not long after I married. I’ve been working on some special projects to broaden my experience. I headed a redevelopment task force and we put together the plan for the downtown area.”

  “The one they just announced? You were part of that? That’s radical. It’s going to make a big difference to this city, that’s for sure.” Hadden looked impressed.

  Scott leaned forward over the table and lowered his voice. “Well, I guess there’s no harm in telling you, but I’d appreciate you keeping it to yourself until it breaks in the papers.

  “I was just meeting with the governor.” He saw Hadden’s eyes widen with interest. “I’m at the top of the short list for Grayson’s senate seat.” He tried to maintain a modest demeanor, but he saw with satisfaction the flare of excitement on Hadden’s face.

  “Get out of here.” Hadden grinned. “How did you manage that coup? That’s great news. Next best thing to being named senator, would have to be knowing someone who has been. You know, prestige by association.” His admiration shone in his eyes.

  Scott thoroughly enjoyed his lunch with Hadden. They had enjoyed working together when they started at Pinchley, Black and Smothers. They came from different schools, they led very different lives, but they worked together on some tough cases and each had developed a sense of respect and trust of the other’s skills. Eventually they were each moved into different areas of the firm. Scott went into Constitutional Law and was on a different floor. He lost track of Hadden. He had heard when Hadden left the firm, but since they weren’t close outside of work, he soon lost track of him.

  When they finished lunch, they exchanged numbers and promises to stay in touch, both realizing the other may be of use to them in the future.

  Scott left the restaurant filled with satisfaction. He loved impressing Hadden with the story of his career success. It made him feel as if it was really happening. And Hadden’s surprise about his changed look convinced him he made the right decision to lose the beard.

  That had actually been Stanford’s suggestion. He said the “boys” in the party suggested a visit to a fashion consultant might help by giving him a more seasoned look to make the constituency feel more comfortable with his inexperience.

  He and Phoebe agreed, albeit for different reasons.

  The consultant promised a clean shaven face with fashionable glasses would help project Scott as an intelligent person, someone the voters would take seriously and respect. That change and the recommended wardrobe changes would support the image the party wanted Scott to portray.

  It was strange how much his appearance had changed. With the dark beard and mustache gone people first noticed the glasses surrounding his eyes. It worked so well, Hadden hadn’t even recognized him at first. And it was obvious while they talked that Hadden no longer considered Scott to be the bachelor-on-the-prowl he had been known to be when they worked together at the law firm.

  Scott remembered with discomfort how shocked he had been to find Stanford knew all about his affair in New York. It had frightened him to know his secrets were so easily exposed. He was only having some fun, he didn’t want to jeopardize his relationship with Phoebe, her family or the plan they had developed for the future. Scott vowed right then he was going to clean up his act.

  He made his decision to break the affair off with Karen on his next trip. But even if that hadn’t been his plan, when Karen told him she was pregnant he became very alarmed. Suddenly it was no longer a game, it was serious! He had no intentions of risking everything he planned for his life because of a little frolic with a cutie. And truthfully, he was relieved the decision had been made for him and the affair was over.

  But later, on a subsequent visit to New York, he saw Karen in the lobby of the Algonquin. His immediate reaction was delight at seeing her again, but that quickly changed to panic when he realized Phoebe was standing beside him. The panic turned to fury when he saw Karen’s protruding stomach and realized she had not aborted the pregnancy as he told her to do. He was so angry he could have throttled her right there. But Phoebe noticed he was upset and asked him what was wrong, so he had to pretend nothing was.

  He had ushered Phoebe into a taxi and spent a little time distracting her from the incident in the lobby. Later he berated himself for getting into such a dicey situation in the first place. He had acted stupidly that night in the bar where he met Karen. He had been playing games like he was still a carefree kid. He had pretended he was single and available in order to attract Karen. He used her for fun, to alleviate the boredom of the long nights he spent in New York. So now she was going to have his child. Now he had to worry about the possibility of this whole game coming back at him when he could least afford it.

  He felt cornered. He had realized he would have to have another talk with Stanford about the situation. However, despite his worry, he found Stanford to be supportive. True Stanford had reamed Scott out good, and he questioned him closely about where he got the funds to give to Karen, so Scott had to reveal the secret slush fund he had never mentioned to Phoebe. But in the end, Stanford said he would keep an eye on Karen and make sure she didn’t make trouble. Scott had gratefully let that worry drop from his shoulders.

  So later when Stanford suggested the fashion consultant, Scott was still sufficiently penitent to pay attention. Even though he was loath to give up his rakish looking beard, he decided a new look could be beneficial. And secretly he thought his new look would help him avoid Karen’s recognition in the future.


  As soon as the bedroom door closed behind them, Claire was in Jack’s arms.

  “This is what I’ve been dreaming about,” Jack whispered in her ear. “What’s the routine? Will we have to get up with the baby or anything?”

  Claire shook her head. “Karen’s really good about the baby. She’ll take care of him although he usually only wakes up twice in the night, well, the second time is really early morning. Anyway, she handles it.”

  Jack was nibbling at her neck as he muttered, “When are you going into work tomorrow?”

  Claire was having a hard time keeping her mind on his questions but finally murmured, “I’m working from ten to closing at eight.”

  “Think you can take a couple hours off in the afternoon? We have some important business to take care of, as soon as possible.”

  She pulled back, looking at him with a question on her face. “Business?”

  “Yes, we’re going shopping for that ring I promised you. Then we need to arrange a marriage ceremony. I was hoping by the weekend.”

  “This weekend?” Claire stared at him, her voice squeaky with surprise.

  He nodded. “Yes. This weekend!”

  “That’s not much time to pull together a wedding.”

  Jack looked at her. “Do we need more time? Can’t we just get married and have the falderal later?”

  Claire looked at him wide-eyed for a moment, then she grinned. “I’m thinking what my mother is going to say when I invite her to my wedding this weekend.”

  Jack smiled as he muttered, “She’ll say, ‘At last!”’

  Claire giggled. “You’re probably right.”

  But the discussion lost their interest as the kisses and neck nibbles became more intense and the couple became engrossed in each other.

  Much later that night Claire pulled free of Jack’s arms, sat up in bed and announced, “This weekend is impossible. I need more time to have the wedding I have in mind.”r />
  Jack tried to ignore her, but Claire jabbed him with her elbow. “Don’t try to pretend you’re sleeping. What gives with the race to the altar? Don’t you like weddings?”

  Reluctantly he admitted, “No, not particularly. I’m guessing most men don’t. But, I do want to get married. It’s just all the stuff that goes with it that makes me nervous.”

  “Well, what about when you married Karen’s mother? Was that a big deal?”

  “Was it ever! It went on for months. She and her mother planned every detail and worried and fussed through the whole thing. I’m not even sure she remembered it the next week. I know I just drifted through, just doing what I was told. When the pictures came it was like seeing pictures of someone else’s wedding. I didn’t recognize anything, and hardly any of the people, other than my parents.”

  He rolled over and said seriously, “What kind of wedding were you thinking about? You know I’ll do anything you want. I just want us to get married, soon!”

  “Well, you lucked out this time, because I don’t want a big splashy wedding. But I do want to have my friends and relatives there. And I think we can do it soon. I’m not sure about this weekend, but I’ll try to make it soon. Will that satisfy you?”

  He nodded, wrapping her in is arms. “I love you, and not just because you’ve promised not to turn our wedding into a circus.”

  Then just as Claire was starting to drift off, he asked, “Is the old Cadillac still in the garage?”

  “Uh huh,” she muttered.

  “Well, I’ll come pick you up in it tomorrow about two. We’ll travel in style.”

  She smiled her agreement before sliding into sleep.


  “Jack, you’re back. So that’s why Claire’s been floating around all morning with that goofy grin on her face. How are you?” Mrs. B, Claire’s assistant manager at Gulliver’s Travel Bookstore, squeezed Jack’s hands happily. “And this must be why Claire has to take a few hours off this afternoon. You devil! You’re kidnapping her for some fun, aren’t you?”