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Claire Gulliver #06 - Carnage Goes Coastal Page 7

  She hung up with a smile. “I would guess that will get her here in about six minutes.

  She was wrong. It was only five minutes later before Tuffy-Two went racing for the front door.


  “Scott Ellington here.” Scott answered his phone grudgingly, irritated at the interruption.

  “Have you had the radio on?”

  Scott was surprised to hear his father-in-law’s voice. “No, should I?”

  “Hell, yes. Grayson collapsed and was rushed to the hospital a short time ago. No wonder he was worried about his health, obviously he knew something was wrong. It hasn’t been announced yet, but he won’t be recovering any time soon. His family is arguing about when to pull the plug.

  “The party guys are all over this. They’re talking to the governor as we speak. When Grayson comes off the machines the Governor will be charged with appointing another senator to finish up his term. The party is going to recommend that appointee be you.”

  Scott was thinking fast. Grayson’s tragedy could be his miracle. If he got the senate appointment for the remainder of the current term, he could run in the next election as incumbent. That would make winning an almost sure thing. “What are the chances of the governor appointing me?” he asked, trying to contain the glee in his voice.

  “Well, he needs our support for his next election so he’s apt to follow the party line. And I intend to have a little talk with him. He already owes me plenty, so I think there is a pretty good chance he’ll do it.” Stanford’s voice was pensive as he considered all angles.

  “I think it’s safe enough for you to start shopping for a house in D.C., boy. Don’t tell anyone just yet; let’s give it a little time to play out. But you’d better let Phoebe know.”

  Scott felt the smile spread across his face.

  “And Scott, be prepared for an invitation to meet with the governor. He’ll want your assurance you’ll support his pet projects before he makes his final decision. Maybe I should organize a meeting with some of the party honchos so they can review the bills Grayson was sponsoring with you before that meeting with the governor. What do you think?”

  “That would be helpful. The sooner the better.”

  “Okay, then, it looks like our plans are moving ahead. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Scott immediately left his office to search for Phoebe. He found her in the room she used as an office, talking with the housekeeper.

  “Phoebe, sorry to interrupt, but I need a moment of your time.” He smiled apologetically at the housekeeper, who waited for the nod from his wife before she hurried out of the room.

  “Phoebe, your father just called and told me the most incredible news.”

  “What is it? What’s happened?”

  “Senator Grayson collapsed and has been rushed to the hospital.”

  Phoebe’s eyes widened in surprise at this news before narrowing with a cunning look. She said, “How serious is it?”

  Scott could see his wife was processing this information. She was truly her father’s daughter. She had a keen understanding of the political arena, so she already understood the implications this event could have on their plan.

  He responded in a grave voice, “Very serious. Apparently it is only a question as to when he will be removed from the ventilator. I imagine his family is reluctant to take that step. They’re probably hoping for a miracle.”

  “Too late,” Phoebe said with a slight smile. “The miracle has already happened, but it’s ours. The governor will be appointing a replacement soon, and we’ll need to be finding a place to live in D.C.

  “I think we need a house, don’t you? After all, we’ll be there for a while and we’ll need a suitable place for entertaining. I think I’ll get someone working on that right away.” She looked at him with pride. “Congratulations darling. You’ll be one of the youngest senators seated. Our plan for your future looks like it’s right on target.” She rose from her seat and came over to give him a hug.

  Scott returned to his office full of satisfaction. He ignored the draft of his book he had been working on before his father-in-law’s call. Instead he went to the bar built into the wall and poured himself a generous measure of his favorite Scotch. He took it to one of the comfortable leather chairs facing the windows and settled in before taking a sip, savoring the Scotch on his tongue while he enjoyed this moment.

  Life was full of unexpected events, and this one was especially fortuitous. He knew enough to take advantage of whatever opportunity was available. He didn’t waste any sympathy for Grayson or his family. That was life. And besides, he smiled, he deserved this opportunity. He worked hard all those years toiling in that law firm. He had paid his dues by becoming an expert on the nuances of constitutional law. His efforts made the senior partners look good, and further enhanced the firm’s reputation as the premier defender of constitutional issues.

  And how ironic was it that when the beautiful Phoebe, who he had met at one of the many social events he had attended during that time, invited him home to meet her family, he discovered she was the daughter of one of the most important clients of his law firm. Nor had he realized her mother was Cecelia Cranford Smythe, the legendary power broker behind the politics in their state. Of course he knew Phoebe came from a good family, it was oozing out of her pores. She had that look, that attitude which could only mean breeding and money.

  Before he had even arrived at Phoebe’s house, her father, Stanford, had checked him out. And he apparently approved of what he heard from the partners at the firm. So Phoebe’s parents became strong supporters of his liaison with their daughter even though he wasn’t from their group of friends. Even now, Scott wasn’t willing to dwell on whether it was Phoebe’s beauty or her family’s’ power that so attracted him. In a very short time after that first meeting with the Smythes he found himself promoted to a junior partner at the firm and engaged to marry Phoebe. Now he could hardly remember the details of that year, everything happened so fast.

  He and Phoebe had only returned from their honeymoon and installed themselves in the house gifted to them from the Smythes, when Phoebe’s mother was forced to confess she had been diagnosed with a virulent type of breast cancer. She was already at stage four and there was no real hope of her survival. She had gotten this devastating news during the wedding preparations, but she had decided she didn’t want to taint her daughter’s big event with such terrible news. Or perhaps she didn’t really believe she could be felled by anything as common as cancer. She marched stoically forward, never giving a sign that she was not well.

  Phoebe was not as strong as her mother and was devastated at this news. The newlyweds practically moved into the house with the elder Smythes. Phoebe spent every minute possible with her mother. It was strange how Cecelia had managed to get through the wedding with no hint of her illness, but now was wasting away with alarming speed before their eyes. In less than two months she succumbed and her family, shocked from the suddenness of her end was left to patch together what was left of their lives.

  It had been during those last two months of Cecelia’s life that the plan had been formalized. It was something they all discussed and worked on. Now it was as if it had been written in stone. They all agreed Scott Ellington was destined to be president of the United States of America. He had the charm to attract devoted supporters. He had the brains to understand the issues. He had the determination, proven through his success at the university and later in the firm, to hold the power needed. And with careful planning and management, he could be the most powerful president ever elected. The entire family was behind him, each would play their own role in getting him elected and in keeping him in power. Each would benefit in their own way. So the plan was drafted.

  Now, looking out the window at the small garden, Scott sighed with satisfaction. At first he just went along with them, thinking it was something to distract them from Cecelia’s illness. But as their plans developed, he started thinking, why not? Wh
y couldn’t he be elected president? Certainly some of the men holding that title in the past were not nearly as smart as he was. So with the plan in place, he was positioned on the Taskforce for Urban Renewal to give him management experience as well as some visibility. At Stanford’s insistence he had started the book Phoebe’s mother insisted he needed to publish. It had been an effort to wrap all he knew about the Constitution around the responsibilities of the presidency, but he admitted it turned out somewhat more impressive than he expected and it would pay off. The draft, back from the editor would be published later in the year, which would now coincide with his assignment to the senate.

  So now the first significant phase of the plan was about to be launched several years early because of a fluke. And because they had a plan they were ready to take advantage of the situation. He knew there would be no stopping them. Some day, he would be president!


  “Daddy,” Karen squealed like a teenager and launched herself across the room into her father’s arms.

  Claire felt tears burn her eyes at this display. She realized she hadn’t appreciated the bond between them. She knew Jack as a colleague, a friend and a lover, but to Karen, he was simply her dad. It was a while before Karen was willing to let go of Jack long enough to tell him what brought her to Claire’s house. But, eventually they were all sitting in the living room and Karen began to tell her story. She told it as she told it to Claire, beginning when she met Scott Hutchins, more than a year ago.

  “Karen, are you telling me you forgot to protect yourself during sex. After that long conversation we had before you left for college? What were you thinking? How could you have been so reckless?” Jack was angry, holding Karen at arms length, not at all concerned about being supportive.

  Karen shook her head, tears leaking from her eyes. “I was so stupid, Dad. I admit it. I was so in love with Scott I wasn’t thinking straight. It was like I was in the middle of one of those silly romantic comedies, like in the movies. It didn’t seem as if anything bad could happen. I had been on the pill, but I hadn’t been using them regularly as I hadn’t been sexually active for quite a while. Of course, as soon as I met Scott I started them again. But I have to admit I sometimes forgot to take a pill, or I stayed over with Scott and the pills were at home. I figured I’d catch up the next day. And he used condoms besides. But after a while, maybe neither of us was paying attention like we should have been, because somehow I ended up pregnant. I didn’t even realize it until Thanksgiving week.

  “And when he accused me of being stupid, I realized I had been. I was acting totally irresponsibly. I shouldn’t have been out in the world on my own.” Now she was sobbing in earnest and Jack helplessly pulled her into his arms, patting her on the back murmuring, “Now, now,” in her ear.

  Claire went to the kitchen to get Karen a glass of ice water and Jack handed her a Kleenex from the box on the table beside the sofa.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve made such a mess of things, Dad. I don’t know how you’ll ever believe in me again. And you don’t even know the worst of it.”

  Jack looked alarmed. “What? What is the worst of it?”

  “Someone has been trying to kill me.”

  Jack’s alarm turned to a look of disbelief. “What are you talking about? Who would try to kill you? Why would someone try to kill you? What makes you think that?” His eyes fastened on Claire and when he saw her nod her head he turned to look at Karen again.

  Jack gulped in a big swallow of air and said, “All right, tell me the rest of it. Don’t leave out any details.”

  Karen explained Scott’s reaction to her news and his sudden disappearance from her life. She told her father of her terror in the subway and the subsequent weekend visit to the country only to come home to find her building in ruins. She had just finished her story where Claire and she snuck out the back way at the Crown Plaza, when she suddenly cocked her head toward the rear of the house saying, “Oh, there’s the baby. He’s probably hungry.” Karen was off the couch and heading out of the room before Jack and Claire heard the first wail.

  Claire called after Karen’s back, “We fed him at two,” then looked at Jack and said gravely, “And there’s more to Karen’s story, Jack. The man, who followed Karen to the hotel, was wearing a wire. That got my attention. That’s when I knew she wasn’t overreacting. She was in serious danger.

  “After I found her in the ladies’ room we started looking for a bug. Sure enough we found it in her coat pocket. Apparently when the man in the tan jacket bumped into her at the escalator in the airport, he had slipped it in her pocket. I knew we had to get rid of it if we wanted to have any hope of getting away from him.

  “I took it back out to the lobby and managed to drop it in the tote bag of a lady, who was in the process of leaving with a van load of people. Sure enough, while I stood there and watched her leave, the guy who had been questioning the clerk about Karen, came racing out and got into a dark SUV idling outside. That SUV took off in the same direction the white van took.”

  She looked at Jack with a touch of pride. “So the diversion worked beautifully. We immediately left the hotel by the back door and got on the road for home.

  “We lost Karen’s tail, but we’ve been constantly vigilant ever since. We’re worried that somehow they’ll find us again. She’s been keeping a very low profile. She’s had no contact with anyone she knows. She doesn’t use her credit cards, and hasn’t contacted her bank. We’ve been very careful to make sure neither she nor the baby is entered into any computer data bases anywhere. In fact, Dr. MacIntyre helped us find a natural birth clinic, so the baby was born at home with a mid-wife’s help. We avoided the hospitals and all their forms and regulations. So far it seems to be working, but we’re both thankful you’re home and can take charge of this problem. I know we’ll be safer with you managing the situation.”

  Jack’s eyes closed a moment and he said with feeling, “Thank God you were here to get that phone call, Claire.” They heard Karen in the kitchen, so they moved into that room to join her. Jack took the baby while Karen fixed him another bottle and Claire scooped up the little piles of onesies, blankets and burp cloths she had been folding on the table when Jack arrived. “I’ll just put these away and start some dinner,” she told them as she headed for the baby’s bedroom. “Thank goodness Mom stopped in yesterday with a new supply of food for us.”

  Jack was peering intently in little Jack’s face as he made more clicking noises for the baby and only nodded abstractedly at Claire’s comments.

  When Claire returned, Karen was feeding the baby while telling her father all about the birth. “We did it right here. The mid-wife was the most wonderful woman. She was so caring and involved. She had prepared us so we knew just what to do. And Claire was right there with me through the whole process, coaching me and holding onto my hand. It was kind of like we had the baby together, wasn’t it, Claire?” She paused a moment for Claire to nod her agreement and then went on. “And Dr. McIntyre came by afterwards to check me and the baby.”

  Karen took the bottle out of Jack’s mouth and laid him over her shoulder to burp him. “The only part that was really sad is that Mom missed the whole thing. I haven’t been able to call her for fear of leading my tracker right here to the door. Since Mom was listed as my emergency contact person on my work records we’re assuming they are watching her to see if she has any contact with me.

  “I did send her one letter to let her know I was okay, but I didn’t tell her about the baby, because I thought that would really make her crazy.”

  “You sent her a letter?” Jack looked up with alarm on his face.

  “Yes, we sent it to a friend of Claire’s in Chicago and she dropped it in the mail there. So when Mom doesn’t get a response to her e-mails and her phone calls don’t go through, she’ll know why. And I told her if anyone inquired about me, anyone at all, no matter who they said they were, she should tell them the truth, she doesn’t know where I am.
  “I’m hoping you’ll help me find a way to get in touch with her without leaving a trail. I want her to see baby Jack. I want to send her pictures.”

  Jack nodded his approval. He knew how close Karen felt to her mother and understood how hard it was for her to not have contact. “You did good, kid. You were right about making sure you didn’t leave traces. Whoever this is has some powerful resources. Claire was right about that. But this whole thing just doesn’t make sense. Who cares that much in this day about the illegitimacy of a child?”

  They all looked at each other and Claire shook her head. “You’re right, Jack, it does seem pretty melodramatic.”

  “But Dad, it all started to happen right after I saw Scott. And you should have seen his expression. He looked murderous. He was obviously furious.” Karen shivered. “I just put it all together. I could be wrong. I want to be wrong. I don’t like thinking he could be such a monster he is trying to murder his own child.”

  Jack nodded. “This whole situation sounds ominous. I’m going to see what I can do to resolve it.” His serious expression started to lighten as he took a deep breath. “Meanwhile, what is that I’m smelling? Is it time to eat?”

  Claire laughed, jumping up to check the oven. “It’s one of Mom’s casseroles. It will be ready in a few minutes. I’ll make the salad if you open some wine. Karen, can you put the baby down long enough to set the table?”

  Claire popped a loaf of sourdough bread in the oven beside the casserole and quickly assembled a green salad. After dressing the salad with olive oil and the juice from a fresh lemon, she set the bowl on the table, pausing long enough to put her face down close to baby Jack, who was lying in his bouncer on the table, to make faces at him. When she got a smile from the baby she finished putting the food on the table and took her place.

  She picked up her glass of wine and gestured to Jack. “I want to say how relieved I feel to have you home safe, Jack. And with your help I’m sure our other problems will soon be solved. Welcome home!”