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Claire Gulliver #06 - Carnage Goes Coastal Page 18

  “I’m hungry. What do you want for dinner?” Jack asked as he let the animals out.

  “Something Mom left for us. I’ll look and see what’s there.”

  Jack fixed himself a glass of ice water. “Do you want one,” and filled a small dish with nuts.

  Claire shook her head at the offer of water, taking a bottled tea drink out of the refrigerator. “I put a pot roast dinner in the oven. Is that good for you?”

  Jack smiled in anticipation. He loved Millie’s pot roast.

  “How did your day go?” Claire asked feeling very wifely.

  “The usual, but I did get some news today. Remember last year when I was told I’d have to go to an interim training session? All agents, who are no longer in the field, are required to do something like this periodically to keep their skills current. Well, my boss got me excused last year because of that case we were working on, so this year it’s already been decided I have to be included. They’ve scheduled me to join a group of Rangers, who are doing survival training in Alaska.”

  “What? Are you kidding?” Claire was aghast. “That sounds dangerous.”

  Jack was setting the dishes on the kitchen table while Claire was assembling the elements of a salad. He looked totally unconcerned. In fact, Claire thought she detected a little gleam of excitement in his eyes.

  “Well, it could be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. But, I do. And I’ll be with a group of Rangers. They definitely know what they’re doing. So it’s really not something to worry about.

  “They’ll drop little groups of us in some remote areas with a knife, some matches and some other survival gear, and we’ll have ten days to find our way back to base. Then we’ll spend a few days critiquing what we did, and I’ll be home again.”

  “They’ll drop you in? Are you talking about a parachute?” Claire stopped what she was doing to stare at Jack. “It’s not that I don’t have confidence in you, Jack, but how long has it been since you parachuted anywhere?”

  He actually laughed. “I guess a while, but it’s kind of like riding a bicycle, once you know how, you remember forever.”

  “Not! It’s probably more like if you don’t remember it’s too late, you won’t survive to do it again.” She shook her head with disgust. This sounded like big boy games to her. “Jack, do you really have to do this?”

  He nodded. “Yes, if I want to keep my designation as an active agent. And if I want to continue to be paid at the grade I am, I have to be certified.”

  “Well, I’d say if you do this you will definitely be certifiable,” Claire muttered.

  “Hey, I heard that!”

  “So when is this happening?”

  “Next month. We leave June sixth and return on the twenty-second.” He looked at her with concern. “Will you be okay by yourself?”

  “I lived by myself for many years, I guess I’ll adjust. But,” she looked at him, “I will miss you. I’ll make Tuffy-Two sleep with me.”

  “Are you saying I can be replaced by a dog?”

  She laughed. “Not exactly, but just don’t be gone too long.”


  “Hadden, thank you for coming in,” Scott said somewhat formally as he came around his desk with his hand outstretched. “Have a seat. Would you like coffee?”

  Alaina, who had escorted Hadden into the office, saw his nod and returned with a tray filled with coffee cups, cream and sugar. When she left, the two men spent a moment with their coffee, before Hadden sat back in his chair looking expectantly at Scott.

  “Hadden, we’ve known each other for a while, and I certainly have learned to respect your abilities over these past few years. I am preparing to take a giant step and, while I have to ask you keep it confidential for now, I would appreciate your take on the situation.”

  Hadden nodded calmly, but he couldn’t hide the interest gleaming in his eyes.

  “Very soon now I’ve decided to declare my candidacy for president.”

  Hadden’s mouth dropped open. He quickly set his coffee cup down on the saucer, so he wouldn’t spill its contents. He couldn’t conceal his shock.

  Scott smiled. “I know it sounds sudden. Initially the plan was to wait until twenty-ten to declare for twenty-twelve, but with so many candidates already in the race it seemed a better idea to go for it now. Getting my feet wet in this election will be good experience, and it will prepare me for the next run. Any support I pick up now will most likely continue to the next campaign. It will get my name out there. And who knows, I might just appeal to enough voters to be a serious candidate in this election. I mean I am definitely serious about this run, but I realize it will take a lot of effort and luck to convince the voters of that.”

  Hadden looked at him with speculation. “You’ve been in the Senate less than a whole term.”

  Scott nodded. “That’s good and bad. Good, because I’ve carefully used my votes to create a record to support my campaign for president; and bad, because it is such a short history. We’ve hired an excellent campaign manager, Marion Seaver. Do you know him?”

  Hadden shook his head. “But I’ve heard of him. He’s pretty high powered, isn’t he?”

  “We think so. We think he can put the right spin on everything we’ve done to make me appealing to the voters in spite of my lack of experience.”

  Scott watched Hadden closely. “And of course I already have Don Carleton writing my speeches. Both he and his team are real assets. We’re negotiating now with a money manager, someone who can manage the campaign funds and adhere to all the rules.”

  Hadden shook his head. “Wow, man, I can’t believe this. I was pretty impressed when you were named senator, but this is really something. Of course I’ll support you. Naturally, you have my vote and I’ll try to talk you up to everyone I know. Still it boggles my mind to hear you have the guts to take this on.”

  Then he added, “Who is the we you are speaking about?”

  “We, that’s my wife, Phoebe, and my father-in-law, Stanford Smythe. We’re all in this together.”

  Hadden nodded.

  “What I was wondering, Hadden...,” Scott asked tentatively, “what I was wondering, was if you were inclined to join my team.”

  Hadden looked shocked, so Scott hurried on. “I know how committed you are to the energy field and its issues. And I know you and your family appreciate the salary and benefits you have, but I could really use your help.

  “I feel you’re the one person who can understand just how carefully I need to maneuver through this political minefield safely. It’s great to have all these experts to guide me, but I think I need someone with the savvy and the smarts to watch out for my best interests. Someone who reports directly to me. Someone I can trust to tell me what they think. Someone who has my back, and I think that person is you!”

  Hadden was mute with shock. Scott could imagine what was going through his head. He was asking Hadden to take a terrible risk, but the rewards could be off the charts. Hadden had done very well as a lobbyist for the regional energy giant. He was now probably imagining what he could do with the power of being a key support person on the presidential staff. His decision would probably depend on whether or not he believed Scott could eventually become president.

  Scott could see the change in Hadden’s eyes.

  “Scott, I’m touched and honored you think I can be this person you need,” Hadden started....

  Oh, oh, Scott thought, he’s going to turn me down.

  “You’d have to match my current salary because, while I’d be willing to do it for free, I can’t have my family sacrifice their living style so I can have fun.”

  Scott nodded, dazed at Hadden’s trust in him.

  “Then we’ll just have to work out when you want me to start and let’s get started, buddy. I’d be honored to be a part of your campaign as long as you think you have a need for me.”


  Kay felt grubby and sweaty when she entered the women’s loc
ker room. She quickly stripped and stepped under the shower. She had already dressed in her khaki shorts, tee shirt and sandals when Barb, the only other woman in their class asked, “Why don’t you join us tonight at Mulrooney’s, Kay?”

  Kay shook her head. “Sorry, but I have to get home.”

  “You know you really should come, even if it’s only for a bit. It’s part of belonging to the class. We all get to know each other better, and we critique each other’s form. Besides the others think you’re kind of standoffish. I try to tell them what it’s like being a single parent, but they don’t understand. You should make the effort, Kay.” And then she grinned. “And frankly I’m tired of being the only female there with all that testosterone flying around.”

  Kay smiled back at her. “I think you can handle it.” Then her smile faded as she remembered Chuck’s lecture on blending in to her surroundings. She hesitated and then asked, “What do you do there, drink?”

  “I don’t, unless you call iced tea drinking. I usually have something to eat and an iced tea and we talk. I rarely stay longer than an hour because I do have a home life. And while my husband is very supportive of my interests, he wouldn’t like me coming home late, especially since I have to get up early for work. But I enjoy being part of the group. And I really feel like I’ve gotten some feedback which has helped me with my form.”

  Kay thought about joining them tonight while she used the dryer on her hair. Mrs. Allen was with Jamie and she would be happy to stay an extra hour. She was always telling Kay to have fun. By the time she fastened her hair up with the plastic clip, she had made up her mind.

  “Okay, Barb, you talked me into it. I’ll join you tonight. I’m kind of hungry and I’ll see how it goes.”

  “Great, it’ll be fun. Just follow me over there.”

  When the two women entered the big sports bar, they immediately saw several of the men in the class had already taken possession of a big round table in the corner of the room near the bar. They started working their way across the crowded room. Kay had never been to Mulrooney’s before, but she had heard about it. It almost looked like a big warehouse, except the exposed beams were varnished wood, and the exposed heating and air conditioning ducts snaking across the ceiling were painted bright primary colors. The noise was deafening. Not only were the customers noisily talking, in some cases shouting, but the music was blaring. In addition, several large flat screen TV monitors were hung from the ceiling throughout the building. As far as she could see they were all tuned to different channels with various types of sporting events and a few of them were tuned to news channels such as CNN.

  Kay sank thankfully in the nearest chair, while Barb took one across the table from her. She had only sat down when Derek arrived and sat on the other side of her. Before the waitress appeared, three more members of the class showed up. Kay realized everyone in the class was here. If this was the usual custom she could understand that her absence would be noticed. She was grateful Barb prodded her into coming.

  There was a flurry of activity when the waitress arrived, and Kay ordered a grilled cheese sandwich with tomatoes and a diet coke, glad to be done with that. The man sitting on her left had been in the class with her for more than a year, yet she had never really spoken to him. Now she found out he was a policeman.

  “I don’t drink,” he explained, “because I work the midnight shift. So this is my dinner. That explained the huge food order he placed. “I’m Steve. You’re Kay, aren’t you? Glad you joined us.”

  Kay may not have spoken to him, but she had partnered with him a few times and it had always been a challenge for her. He was one of the black belts, and he was tall and very muscular. She found it very difficult to get the upper hand with him. The few times she was able to throw him down, she felt it had just been a matter of luck, not skill.

  “So, what do you do besides karate?”

  Kay kept it as brief as she could. “I’m a single mom and I design and manage web sites out of my house. That keeps me pretty busy.”

  Steve nodded soberly. “I don’t have any children myself, but I have a nephew, so I have some idea of what it takes to raise a kid.

  “Tell me about it.” Derek on Kay’s other side had finished giving his order to the waitress in time to hear the tail end of Steve’s comment. “My wife and I have three kids and they keep us hopping. The reason we start this class at eight in the evenings is so I can go home after work and help get them bathed and into bed. Then my wife collapses and I go to the Karate Palace.” He laughed. Obviously he didn’t mind his participation in childcare.

  Kay stifled a smile, noting that all the rumors about the eligible hunk were way off base as this man was very much taken.

  “So, are either of you going to participate in the tournament next weekend?” Derek asked.

  Steve shook his head. “Not me. I’m working that weekend and couldn’t get anyone to switch with me. Maybe the next one.”

  Kay just shook her head, not offering any excuse.

  But two others across the table said they were participating and the conversation swung to the tournament and what they needed to do to prepare themselves.

  Steve muttered under his breath to Kay, “You don’t like to participate in contests?”

  Kay shook her head. “I’m not good enough yet. You might have noticed that I seldom am able to take you down.”

  “Yes, but you’re good. You could.”

  “Yeah? How? It’s just not happening.”

  “Well, that’s because your face projects your next move, so I’m prepared to counter it. You need to work on developing a poker face.”

  Surprised, Kay looked at him closely. He nodded. “I know just what move you’re planning almost as soon as you do, so I’m ready for it. The few times you did take me down it was because I was distracted for a moment and wasn’t prepared. You definitely have the strength and the skill to take me.”

  Kay was stunned at this revelation.

  “When you play poker they call it Tells. Tells alert your opponents to what you have in your hand. They then know if you have a big hand or are bluffing. You might consider standing in front of the mirror for a while each day and planning your attack moves while watching your face. I think you’ll see what I’m talking about.”

  The waitress returned with a large tray and started unloading the orders on the table. For a while the conversation was stalled while everyone was busy eating. But just as the conversation started again, there was a lull where a familiar voice drew Kay’s attention to the nearest television screen.

  The announcer said, “...that was the junior senator from Delaware who called for an investigation into the alleged scandal in the military base closure plan announced last week....” The noise from the bar rose once more drowning out the subsequent information, but the picture of the junior senator flashed on the screen. The man looked directly at the camera and smiled.

  Kay could hardly catch her breath. Her heart started racing crazily in her chest. She held tightly to the table in front of her to prevent falling out of her chair. Despite the clean shaven face, she recognized that smile. It was Scott. Her Scott!

  Could this be right? Could Scott really be the junior senator from Delaware? Could he have been hiding in plain sight all this time while she was searching for him? Was that why he was trying to destroy her and Jamie, so she couldn’t tell anyone what a depraved, dishonest person he was? Anger flashed through her causing her hand to shake. Was he the mastermind behind those attempts on her life? Was he responsible for all those deaths?

  “Kay, Kay, are you alright? Is something wrong?”

  She finally realized that Steve was trying to get through to her. She swallowed and then managed to control the quiver in her voice. “Sorry, nothing’s wrong, but I realized it’s getting late. I need to be getting home. I have a few hours of work I still have to do tonight.”

  She quickly put some bills down on the check the waitress had left on the table in front of
her and stood up. She tried to smile, but she wasn’t sure if she managed one or if it just showed up as a grimace. “Thanks everyone, I’ve got to go. See you all Monday.” And she was out of there, squeezing through the crowd that had grown substantially while they had been eating.

  She held herself in tight control driving home, refusing to think about Scott right now. Now she was going to get herself home safely, send Mrs. Allen home, check Jamie, and then go directly to the computer. She had some important research to do.

  Of course Mrs. Allen wanted to chat. Kay tried not to be rude as she hurried Mrs. Allen out the door, but she couldn’t even concentrate on what Mrs. Allen was saying about how nice it was to have Harley for Jamie.

  When she booted up her computer she went directly to the web and googled U.S. senators. She clicked on Delaware and accessed the website of Scott Ellington, the junior senator. His site was filled with pictures and short videos. There was even some footage of his wife, Phoebe Cranford Ellington, the woman Karen had seen with him at the Algonquin Hotel in New York.

  Still she needed to be sure. She printed out one of the pictures and took a black marker and carefully colored in a beard and mustache on his picture. Scott Ellington was definitely Scott Hutchins. Scott Hutchins, or Ellington, whatever he called himself, was Jamie’s biological father!


  When the phone rang it was almost ten-thirty. Claire glanced at her watch surprised, immediately hoping something hadn’t happened to Jack, who was now on his training exercise. “Hello?”

  “Claire, where’s Dad?”

  “Karen. What’s wrong?” Claire was shocked to find that familiar voice on the phone.

  “Nothing..., I mean nothing is wrong. In fact something is right. I just need to talk to Dad. Is he there?”

  “Karen, he isn’t. He went off on a training mission with the Rangers a few days ago and they’re parachuting him into some remote section of Alaska. He’ll be back in a couple of weeks. Can I help you somehow? I mean obviously it’s something serious or you wouldn’t have violated your agreement with the U.S. Marshals.”